Mein Kampf

Farce von George Tabori | Deutsch von URSULA GRÜTZMACHER-TABORI
Markus Hering, Marcel Heuperman, Hanna Hilsdorf
© Marcella Ruiz Cruz

„Are you ever playing, joking? You must, my friends! It enters my soul, for this is what desperates must do.” George Tabori put these words by Hölderlin before his 1987 play, and indeed the profoundly dark humor of MEIN KAMPF (MY STRUGGLE) ascends from the grimmest chapters of the 20th century. Tabori was one of the first to rediscover Hitler as a comedic character – almost fifty years after Charlie Chaplin´s THE GREAT DICTATOR. A country kid from Braunau, still wet behind the ears and yet already driven by delusions of grandeur, young Adolf travels to Vienna, carrying some paintings which he hopes will get him into the Fine Arts Academy. He finds accomodation in a men’s dormitory, sharing a room with the Jewish bookseller Shlomo Herzl who provides a touching care for the young Führer-to-be, eventually even lending him the title of a book he has been starting to write: MEIN KAMPF.

Beschreibung Information
Dauer und Pausen 2 Stunden 15 Minuten - keine Pause
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Element 1 von 2

Alles verzerrt, alles ganz freihändig

Max Czollek. Zur Ironie als Stilmittel ästhetischer Kritik bei George Tabori.
Element 2 von 2

Meine Kämpferin

Ein Originalbeitrag von Itay Trian für das Programmheft von MEIN KAMPF
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