Itay Tiran

Porträtfoto von Itay Tiran
© Christoph Liebentritt

Itay Tiran, born in Petah Tikva, Israel, started his acting training at Beit Zvi Acting School in Tel Aviv in 1999 and already gained his first experience as an actor and director at Cameri Theater in Tel Aviv during that time. In addition to regular appearances in Israeli television series, Itay Tiran has acted in a number of films for which he received a Silver Lion (2007) and a Golden Lion (2009) at the Venice Film Festival, as well as an Oscar nomination for Best Foreign Language Film, among other awards. On top of that, Itay Tiran has received numerous prizes for his stage work, including Best Young Actor, Best Supporting Actor and several Best Actor awards at the Israeli Theatre Awards. He was a member of the ensemble at the Schauspiel Stuttgart in 2018/19 and then joined the Burgtheater as an actor and director in the 2019/20 season (opening night 2019/20 at Akademietheater with VÖGEL, ALL BIRDS, as well as in October 2020 MEIN KAMPF at Burgtheater).


Bisherige Rollen

Saison 2022/2023
Iwan Schatow
Fjodor Dostojewskij
Doktor Mauer, Arzt
Das weite Land
Arthur Schnitzler
Saison 2021/2022
Robert Dudley, Graf von Leicester
Maria Stuart
Friedrich Schiller
Saison 2020/2021
Fräulein Julie
August Strindberg
Saison 2019/2020
This is Venice (Othello & Der Kaufmann von Venedig)
William Shakespeare
Der Henker
Maria Lazar
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