Autor*innentheater Kyjiw - Synchron


In spite of war and in defiance of the constant threat of air raids, a new theatre has opened its doors in Kyiv. The Theatre of Playwrights is an initiative launched by twenty Ukrainian playwrights. In June, when the theatre had not yet found a home, the Kasino hosted a remarkable reading including talks with three of the theatre’s authors. 
On 7 December, the Kasino and the Kyiv Theatre of Playwrights will hold two parallel readings that will be linked via a live connection. Texts by Ukrainian authors, written specifically for this event, will be presented in two languages. Author Natalia Vorozhbyt, who fled the war and found refuge in Vienna, will lead a discussion with the directors of the Kyiv theatre. 

As with all our performances, a limited number of free tickets are available to people with refugee status. These can be acquired at the Burgtheater box office from the day before the event. Please note that these tickets can only be issued to persons who can present a document proving their status. 
Any donations will go the Theatre of Playwrights and would be greatly appreciated. 


Безкоштовні квитки на наші вистави для осіб зі статусом тимчасово-переміщених осіб доступні, але їх кількість обмежена. Будь ласка, звертайтеся за ними в каси Бургтеатру за день до вистави і пред’являйте відповідний документ, що посвідчує вашу особу.


With the kind support of the ERSTE Foundation

Austrian National Library, Augustinertrakt Van Swieten-Saal
Address: Josefplatz 1, 1010 Wien, Entrance Prunksaal

Beschreibung Information
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Danke aus Kyjiw

ZUM NACHSCHAUEN: die Lesungen des AUTOR*INNENTHEATER KYJIW als Liveschaltung aus Wien & Kiew vom 7. Dezember.
Element 1 von 1

Spenden für die Ukraine

Das Burgtheater bittet um Spenden für die Ukraine.
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