Autor*innentheater Kyjiw

Natalka Vorozhbyt

– Just across the border, I thought my life was over.
– You tend to dramatize things.

In our series of events in collaboration with the Autor*innentheater Kyjiw (Kyiv Authors’ Theatre), an independent initiative of around 20 playwrights who have succeeded in opening their own venue in Kyiv in the middle of the war, this feature presents the new play by Natalka Vorozhbyt in a staged reading. Commissioned by the Münchner Kammerspiele, GREEN CORRIDORS tells the story of Ukrainian refugee women queueing.

When leaving for Europe, in the refugee shelter, in search of a new life in Vienna and finally, on their way back, the cat lover with her two cats and nine spitzes, the housewife, the nail designer and the actress can do little else but wait. While waiting, they encounter border officials, social workers and volunteers – Europeans, in other words.

With wit, sadness and an unerring eye for the grotesque, GREEN CORRIDORS tells of the complicated relationship between the refugees, their traumas, their losses and their pride and the Europeans with their willingness to help, their otherness, and “their polite, indifferent gaze”. It also reflects the contradictions in the Ukrainians’ relationship with their country and their history. 

The author will be present.


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Autor*innentheater Kyjiw

Seit dem russischen Überfall auf die Ukraine verbindet sich das Burgtheater mit dem AUTOR*INNENTHEATER KYJIW zu gemeinsamen Veranstaltungen. Am 24. Februar 2024 zum fünften Mal in Folge.
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