Die Hermannsschlacht (The Battle of Hermann)

Die Hermannsschlacht
© Matthias Horn

We are in Germania magna, the zone on the other side of civilization: Hermann, the Cheruscan Prince, incites the neighbouring countries to fight against the Roman enemy. He proves to be a brilliant strategist and does not shy away from involving his wife, Thusnelda, and his own children in the complex web of armed manoeuvres and the populist propagation of aggression.

Finally, he is able to lure the Romans into the depths of the Teutoburg Forest, where he completely annihilates them. In 1809, in the midst of war and political upheavals on the entire European continent, Heinrich von Kleist wrote an ominous war drama. The story revolves around a hero whose nihilistic radicalism destroys the hopes in the Enlightenment and the values of human rights just a few years after they were established.

Beschreibung Information
Duration 195 minutes, 1 intermission
© Markus Lubej
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