Culinaire l'Evrope #9: Hollywood - Emigration to the Land of Dreams

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© Marcella Ruiz Cruz

Publisher and gastrosophist Lojze Wieser and Burgtheater director Martin Kušej present a thoughtful menu designed to awaken wanderlust and curiosity for unfamiliar taste experiences. This time, our culinary travels take us across the pond: We follow in the footsteps of those European emigrants who no longer saw a future for themselves in Europe and left for America, subsequently putting their mark on the food (hamburgers!) and culture there. Fritz Lang completely changed the art of film, the Zweigs and the Manns wrote world literature while in exile, Schoenberg’s twelve-tone music influenced the scores of the Tom & Jerry cartoons, and important figures like Alma Mahler and Erich Wolfgang Korngold made the Californian music scene sparkle. Hannes Tschemernjak, proprietor of the Carinthian restaurant Der Tschebull, recreates selected dishes from the Oscars dinner, ensemble members Zeynep Buyraç and Ernest Allan Hausmann read texts, and live music rounds off the programme.

Beschreibung Information
Zusatzinformation € 125,- inkl. Menü / keine Abendkasse | kein Wahlabo
Aus dem Ensemble
Element 1 von 2
Ernest Allan Hausmann
Element 2 von 2
Zeynep Buyraç
Element 1 von 1

So schmeckt Hollywood

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