“If only she were someone else, then everything would be different. Then she would know who she is. Everyone knows who they are,” Emma thinks. Would she be happier as a hip-hop artist? As a boxer or wearing a leather jacket? Or is she a panda after all? And in the midst of all this personal turmoil, she also has to put up with her parents’ constant arguing. Emma’s classmate Emil also needs to explore his new self. Ever since his family slid into financial ruin and the bailiff took all his belongings, he has noticed that his friends see and treat him differently. Before, he always had the latest iPhone and the most expensive sneakers, but now he is a nobody in their eyes. What should he do? Run away! But where to?
Julie Maj Jakobsen’s youth play FUCKING POOR follows Emil and Emma on their difficult journey of self-discovery. At the same time, Jakobsen illustrates the struggle against social decline – a struggle that both Emma and Emil’s parents are experiencing. What’s next when you unexpectedly lose your job or find yourself with a lot of debt? FUCKING POOR is blunt, funny and empathetic as it alternates between the parents’ and the children’s perspective and explores the effects of poverty on children and adolescents.
Emil/ UlrichEdward Lischka ,
Emma/ Emils Mutter/ AnnaLaetitia Toursarkissian,
Beschreibung | Information |
Zusatzinformation | Ab 13 |