
Many young people want to take responsibility, get involved and help to shape the future of society. This is exactly where the arts can play an important role and open doors to new worlds through the medium of participative productions.


Theaterlabor Tanz
© Fersterer




Künstlerische Leitung: Anja Sczilinski
Organisatorische Leitung: Ulrike Fallmann
Team: Katrin Artl, Nicole Himmelbauer, Anna Manzano, Mira Traxler
Hospitanz: Sophia Elsäßer

In the BURGTHEATERSTUDIO, young people from 5 years and up can discover the world of theatre in productions and readings. They get to experience classical and contemporary drama in workshops, laboratories und projects, giving them a knowledge of the arts that allows them to take part in the action. In addition to receiving encouragement and nurture, they have the experience of creating something together. The BURGTHEATERSTUDIO gives young people the resources to question their present experience, formulate their protest and imagine utopias.
The BURGTHEATERSTUDIO also encourages new theatre talent: In this setting, young authors, directors, actors and other talented young creatives can develop their artistic gifts and be discovered by audiences.

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Was ist los im BURGTHEATERSTUDIO? Hier erfahren Sie mehr über unsere vergangenen und zukünftigen Projekte.
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How to get involved
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What we offer for schools 

Der Spielplan:

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