Die Troerinnen (THE TROJAN WOMEN)

nach Euripides
mit Texten von Euripides, Ovid, Seneca und Jane M. Griffiths. Deutsch von Gerhild Steinbuch
Sylvie Rohrer, Lilith Häßle
© Susanne Hassler-Smith

After the war has ended, the Trojan women have nothing left but their own bodies – filled with memories and raging pain, wounded, scarred, lamenting. This shadowy space inhabited by the Trojan women is at the core of Adena Jacobs’s stark, expressive production.

  • Hekabe
    Sylvie Rohrer,
  • Helena
    Patrycia Ziolkowska,
  • Andromache
    Sabine Haupt,
  • Kassandra
    Lilith Häßle,
  • Chorführerin
    Safira Robens,
  • Chor
    Ahmad Al Weish,
    Anastasija Aleksic,
    Gloria Berghauser,
    Johanna Maria Bogner,
    Leonie Gadner,
    Serena Giordani,
    Deniz Gökbolut,
    Lara Horvath,
    Katharina Kemp,
    Bianca Kobald,
    Lilly Krainz,
    Prescilia Lemo,
    Serapia Lentsch,
    Marion Möstl,
    Princess Njoku,
    Pauline Rauch,
    Anna Stippel,
    Lena Strümpel,
    Marie-Sophie Tschak,
    Lilly Sophie Volk,
    Sophie Wilfert,
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