Nils Strunk

Porträtfoto von Nils Strunk
© Christoph Liebentritt

Nils Strunk, born in 1990, grew up in Lübeck and trained as an actor at the Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts in Berlin. Engagements at the Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz, Deutsches Theater Berlin, Staatsoper Unter den Linden, Staatstheater Wiesbaden, Residenztheater in Munich and Volksbühne in Berlin followed. He is a founding member of the Neues Künstlertheater Berlin. Besides his acting work, Nils Strunk is a musician and a stage and film composer, and he also made his directorial debut at the Staatstheater Karlsruhe in the 2020/21 season. He has been playing the lead role in Schiller’s DON CARLOS at the Burgtheater since the 2019/20 season and joined the Burgtheater ensemble in the 2021/22 season. 

Bisherige Rollen

Saison 2022/2023
John Worthing
Oscar Wilde
Louis Ironson
Engel in Amerika
Tony Kushner
Die Jahrtausendwende naht
Saison 2021/2022
Keine Menschenseele
Nils/ Roger Trampelmann
Der nackte Wahnsinn (Noises Off)
Michael Frayn
Ferdinand, Sohn des Königs von Neapel
Der Sturm
William Shakespeare
Die Schwerkraft der Verhältnisse
Marianne Fritz
Saison 2019/2020
Don Karlos
Don Karlos
Friedrich Schiller
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