Lärm. Blindes Sehen. Blinde sehen!

Elfriede Jelinek
Marie-Luise Stockinger, Andrea Wenzl, Mehmet Ateşçi̇, Dörte Lyssewski
© Matthias Horn

Elfriede Jelinek’s latest text connects the media’s "noise“ surrounding all things relating to the pandemic with the ancient myth of Odysseus and the enchantress Circe, who invites the homeward-bound Greeks to a feast on her island and serves them a strange potion that turns them into swine. But haven’t men always been swine? Weren’t they the ones who facilitated the spread of the virus in Ischgl and beyond? All the way to the massive abattoirs, where pigs are processed into food on a huge scale? Elfriede Jelinek has written a sharp-sighted text about how little we (want to) understand our situation and about the noise we make in doing so.

Beschreibung Information
Dauer und Pausen 3 Stunden 30 Minuten - 1 Pause
Podcast: Über die Castorf-Inszenierungen am Burgtheater
Element 1 von 1


Auf vielfachen Publikumswunsch: Der sechsteilige Videopodcast zu WERK IM FOKUS präsentiert ausgewählte Schwerpunkt-Folgen der Direktion Martin Kušejs.
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