Wie Ida einen Schatz versteckt und Jakob keinen findet

Andri Beyeler
Paul Clementi, Dina Skwirblies
© Susanne Hassler-Smith

What could be more fun than looking for a well-hidden treasure? Apart from hiding it, perhaps? “It’s best to hide your treasure in a way that nobody can find it, even if they are standing right there,” Ida thinks to herself. And with that she sets off, in the company of some know-it-all crows, in search of the ideal hiding place in the mountains. “If you want to find a treasure, it’s best to have a map with an X marking the spot where it is hidden,” Jakob thinks. No sooner said than done, he heads out with a map he drew himself. But where will the map lead him? What kind of treasure is it, anyway? Is it even real? The frogs Jakob meets along the way are skeptical. But the fog seems to know something they don’t …

Author Andri Beyeler has written an exhilarating, poetic adventure story based on the picture book WIE IDA EINEN SCHATZ VERSTECKT. In this play about loneliness, imagination, friendship and that feeling of contentment when you go to bed at night, nature is able to speak to humans, and there is a hint of magic in the air. Because everything of value is worthless.

  • mit
    Dina Skwirblies ,
    Paul Clementi,
Beschreibung Information
Dauer und Pausen 50 Minuten - keine Pause
Zusatzinformation Ab 5, €15,-/7,50
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