Schwarzwasser (Blackwater)

© Matthias Horn

A Spanish island, an Austrian politician, the niece of a Russian oligarch: a toxic combination. The man, intoxicated with power, is caught on hidden camera promising the woman control over the national media landscape. Although the names of the figures in SCHWARZWASSER are common knowledge, they are irrelevant, as Elfriede Jelinek always focuses on fundamental issues in her work. She masterfully interlinks topical events with philosophy and Ancient Greek dramas to show how violence spreads in societies and how rightwing populist positions proliferate like a virus and infect all areas of life. They poison both the societal and the environmental climate and lead to the brink of global disaster.

Awarded the Nestory Theatre Award 2020

Caroline Peters for Best Actress
Elfriede Jelinek for Best Play


Beschreibung Information
Trailer: Schwarzwasser
© Markus Lubej
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