Pelléas und Mélisande

Felix Rech (Pelléas), Sophie von Kessel (Mélisande)
© Susanne Hassler-Smith

Mélisande is on the run from an unspeakable incident. Prince Golaud finds her in the forest, marries her and takes her to the water castle of his grandfather, Arkel. But Pelléas, Golaud’s brother, is the only person who is able to cheer Mélisande up and awaken her desire, which makes Golaud violently jealous. Daniel Kramer’s adaptation of Maurice Maeterlinck’s symbolist play (1893) uses intense images to explore the structure of traumatic experience.

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"Eine Insel voller Schatten"

PROBENEINBLICKE #4: PELLÉAS UND MÉLISANDE. Eine Ausstattungsdokumentation
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Nachgefragt bei: Daniel Kramer

Of guns, giant hands and Barbie dolls
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