Meister und Margarita
© Matthias Horn

What do you do when Satan comes to town? Beg for mercy? Pray? The characters in Bulgakov’s novel don’t even bother. They all live their lives without religious conviction. But one thing they are sure of: there is no God. Satan, who has just arrived, confuses the city dwellers with his transcendence, brings the dead back to life and hosts a ball. In the end, friendship and love prevail over totalitarianism. But only in death. Bulgakov still asks the right questions: about why atheism isn’t working, why truth is a plural. His writings are still topical to this day. The lustful bitterness of the genius who, with supple thoughts, attacks a world of administrators and opportunists who turn against one another in the face of impending disasters. A universal weapon against ever-coarsening conditions. Nothing about that has changed, except that the word alone is no longer enough today.

Beschreibung Information
Duration 210 minutes, 1 intermission
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