Europa im Diskurs - Debating Europe

Wie gespalten ist unsere Gesellschaft?

In the big election year of 2024, many are bemoaning an increasing level of polarisation, not only in the US but in Europe as well. Migration, Covid-19, the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, and the ongoing debates about identity politics – wherever you look, people with different views seem to be irreconcilably opposed to one another. Social media exacerbate this polarisation, and right-wing parties are the ones who stand to benefit the most. But there are experts who dispute that society is split in two different camps, arguing instead that this is merely a diversity of opinions, which invigorates democracy, rather than being a threat to it. What does all this mean for European politics? These questions will be addressed by an illustrious group of guests at the Burgtheater.

A cooperation between the Burgtheater, ERSTE Stiftung, the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) and DER STANDARD daily newspaper

  • mit
    Isolde Charim,
    Jürgen Kaube,
    Bernhard Pörksen,
    Kathrin Stainer-Hämmerle,
  • Moderation
    Eric Frey , DER STANDARD,
Beschreibung Information
Dauer und Pausen 1 Stunde 30 Minuten - keine Pause
Zusatzinformation € 8,-/€ 6,- | Abovorteil Gratisscheck
Element 1 von 1

Wie gespalten ist unsere Gesellschaft?

Diese Frage diskutiert ein hochrangiges Panel bei der zweiten Ausgabe EUROPA IM DISKURS dieser Saison am Sonntag, 3. März, um 11 Uhr im Burgtheater.
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