Europa im Diskurs - Debating Europe

What are the limits of our personal liberty?

The Corona pandemic confronts policy-makers and societies all over the world with the question of how far individual freedoms may be curtailed in the public interest.

Mandatory vaccination schemes further exacerbate this debate. The climate crisis, however, also often requires individuals to make painful changes in their personal lifestyle choices. How can this be reconciled with the principles of a liberal society? A high-calibre panel, chaired by Standard editor Eric Frey, will address these questions at Vienna’s Burgtheater on Sunday, 13 February.

Dorothee von Laer – physician and virologist, University Innsbruck

Katharina Rogenhofer – climate activist, co-initiator of the Fridays for Future movement in Austria

Wolfgang Merkel -political scientist, Berlin Social Sience Center

Veit Dengler – Manager, Co-Founder of NEOS, Visiting Fellow, Oxford University

Chaired by: Eric Frey, Der Standard

The discussion will be held in German.

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