Dies Irae – Tag des Zorns (Dies Irae – Day of Wrath)

Dies Irae - Tag des Zorns
© Matthias Horn

How often has it been near, the Day of Reckoning. How often have we heard that knock on our door: humanity’s final hour. “The end has come. Behold, it comes,” says the desert prophet Ezekiel, like countless prophets before and after him.

The end of days is one of the oldest tales ever. And yet, the end has never actually come. The prophets were always false ones. And although the story of the imminent end of days has detached itself from its religious roots in our modern age, it lives on in numerous variants: Downfall through technology? Overpopulation? Liberalism? Europe? Nuclear power? Climate change? And so, in full view of the impending end, we find ourselves permanently suspended in the moment before it.

We yearn for and fear it in equal measure. In DIES IRAE, spoken theatre meets music theatre suspended up in the air. What would music sound like whose end keeps coming closer and closer, yet doesn’t come and doesn’t come? New York musician Paul Wallfisch  (Swans, among other projects) has set the endlessly repeating pre­doomsday loop to music, letting bold rock sounds collide with refined electronics.

The director of this production is the award-winning play and opera director and designated artistic director of the Volkstheater, Kay Voges.

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