Europe under Discussion
Who’s Afraid of Digital Democracy?

For more than ten years, DEBATING EUROPE, a series of public talks with top-class speakers, has turned Vienna’s Burgtheater into a contemporary agora for a day. Prominent international guests from the worlds of politics, economics, science and art share their – at times controversial – views as they discuss highly topical issues concerning the future of Europe. By shaping the discourse, which was (and still is) unthinkable without contradiction, they enable the public to make their own judgements.

Around the world, elections are being manipulated by fake news and public opinion radicalised through social media. Hackers wreak havoc on electronic electoral processes. Once, the internet was seen as a way to achieve more democracy; today, concern over the future of free elections prevails. Eric Frey, editor for Der Standard daily newspaper, talks to his guests about the evolution of mainstream media and the (un)manageability of the internet in a new edition of the renowned talk series on the Burgtheater stage.

Franco Berardi, author, media theorist and media activist
John Frank, Vice President EU Government Affairs, Microsoft
Ingrid Brodnig, journalist and author

In German and English.

A collaboration between the Burgtheater, ERSTE Stiftung, the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) and DER STANDARD daily newspaper.

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