Apropos Gegenwart November 2022: Juri Andruchowytsch

Manchmal träumen wir von Europa. Juri Andruchowytsch im Gespräch mit Martin Pollack

We kick off our APROPOS GEGENWART series with a special guest who is one of Ukraine’s best-known contemporary authors and intellectuals: Yuri Andrukhovych. For years, he has been widely regarded as an essential chronicler of Ukrainian history who uses powerful metaphorical language to engage his readers. We present excerpts from his expansive body of work, which includes novels, poems, essays and travelogues and has been translated into more than 20 languages. The author shares his thoughts with renowned Austrian historian, author and Ukraine expert Martin Pollak.
Excerpts read by Philipp Hauss.

In cooperation with the ERSTE Foundation


Austrian National Library, Augustinertrakt Oratorium
Address: Josefplatz 1, 1010 Wien, Entrance Prunksaal

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