antigone. ein requiem

Dorothee Hartinger, Branko Samarovski, Sarah Viktoria Frick, Mehmet Ateşçi, Deleila Piasko, Markus Scheumann, Mavie Hörbiger
© Matthias Horn

Corpses are piling up on the beach of Thebes. These are the bodies of countless nameless strangers whose unsafe journey into the wealthy city cost them their lives. Creon, the ruler of Thebes, orders the dead to be left to rot on the shore. Approaching them is declared a crime. But Antigone doesn’t let this stop her. She drags the bloated corpses from the beach into the city and demands they be buried. For Creon, this is an outrageous affront. The Austrian playwright Thomas Köck has reworked the ancient conflict between Creon and Antigone into a debate about humanism and political practice in our present day.

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Der Theaterwissenschaftler Sebastian Kirsch über Thomas Köcks ANTIGONE. EIN REQUIEM, die verdrängte Figur des Chors und Antigone als Skandalgestalt
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Premierenpost #1 von Sebastian Huber
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