For months school students have been protesting for environmental awareness and political action to fight the climate crisis. They have drawn support from countless other organizations and citizens of all ages. The Burgtheater backs this movement. We, too, shout:

STOP – There is no Planet B!
Das Plakat der Aktion Fridays for Future auf der Fassade des Burgtheaters
© Burgtheater

Start: 12 Uhr beim Bahnhof Wien Mitte
Demonstrationszug: ab 12.30 Uhr
Abschlusskundgebung: 14.30 bis ca. 16 Uhr am Heldenplatz


Fahne der Aktionswoche zum Klimaschutz vor der Fassade des Burgtheaters
© Burgtheater


During the Global Week For Climate (September 20-27), two flags and a banner serve as a reminder that we all are responsible for climate protection. FRIDAYS FOR FUTURE will be distributing flyers in the foyers of our venues to inform about the various events held this week, for example the protest march on September 27 which will culminate in a large final rally on Heldenplatz.


Further Information: www.klimaprotest.at
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Thomas Köck
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Ein Sommernachtstraum (A MIDSUMMERNIGHT'S DREAM)

William Shakespeare | Deutsch von Angela Schanelec, Jürgen Gosch und Wolfgang Wiens
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