Maresi Riegner

Porträtfoto von Maresi Riegner
© Christoph Liebentritt

Maresi Riegner, born in Vienna in 1991, trained at the Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna and gave her acting debut at the Theater in der Josefstadt in 2017. In 2012 she gave her film debut in Barbara Gräftner’s Endlich Weltuntergang (Finally Doomsday), and many film and TV productions followed. In 2017 Maresi Riegner received the Nestroy Theatre Award in the Best Young Actor category and was nominated for the Austrian Film Award. The following year, she won the Austrian Film Award in the Best Female Supporting Role category. In 2018 she received the Outstanding Artist Award for the performing arts. She has been a part of the Burgtheater Ensemble since the 2019/20 season.

Bisherige Rollen

Saison 2022/2023
Kasimir und Karoline
Ödön von Horváth
ohne Rollenbezeichnung
Peter Handke
Die Tochter
Am Ziel
Thomas Bernhard
Saison 2021/2022
Die Ärztin
Robert Icke
Saison 2020/2021
Pelléas und Mélisande
Maurice Maeterlinck
Nur ein Tag
Martin Baltscheit
Fräulein Julie
August Strindberg
Am Ende Licht
Simon Stephens
Saison 2019/2020
This is Venice (Othello & Der Kaufmann von Venedig)
William Shakespeare
Wie versteckt man einen Elefanten?
Joel Horwood
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