Reich des Todes

Rainald Goetz
Safira Robens, Christoph Luser, Mehmet Ateşçi, Felix Kammerer, Andrea Wenzl
© Marcella Ruiz Cruz

Rainald Goetz makes his comeback as an author following an extended hiatus (his work JEFF KOONS premiered in 1999).

In his new play, REICH DES TODES, Goetz describes 9/11 as the initial spark of a global social catastrophe the repercussions of which we cannot even begin to fully comprehend. As a scientist and a structure and numbers fanatic, Goetz’s writing is blunt and analytical, while retaining his typical breathlessness and humour. Robert Borgmann directs the Austrian premiere.

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Der Riss im Weltgefüge

Die Dramaturgin Sabrina Zwach und das Burgtheater-Ensemble stellten Autor Rainald Goetz sechzehn Fragen. Siebzehn Antworten folgten klassisch per Post.
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