Paradise Lost & Found

Paradies. Eine imperialistische Tragikomödie. Filmscreening und Gespräch mit Želimir Žilnik, Boris Buden, Marina Gržinić

Yugoslavia in the 1960s and 1970s: an avant-garde art scene emerges in the cultural politics of non-alignment. The politically subversive and sexually liberating Black Wave films raise socio-economic questions of everyday life and address identity conflicts on the periphery of society.

Filmmuseum and Burgtheater will show films by Želimir Žilnik on two evenings, including the film trilogy Kenedi Goes Back Home, Kenedi - Lost and Found and Kenedi is Getting Married. Through fictional additions to the documentary material on which the films are based, stigmata and non-acceptance of Roma identities, mechanisms of sexual exploitation and the struggle between outbreak and appropriation of different role expectations are portrayed.

In PARADISE LOST & FOUND, Želimir Žilnik as one of the pioneers of the movement, gives insight into his work and talks with philosopher and cultural critic Boris Buden and art theorist Marina Gržinić about cinematic art and freedom.

On 21 February at 18:30 at the Film Museum: "Crni film" ("The Black Film") and "Kenedi Goes Back Home", at 20:30 "Kenedi", "Lost and Found" and "Kenedi Is Getting Married" with Želimir Žilnik being present.


Reduced prices in collaboration with the Filmmuseum

Club members of the Filmmuseum receive a 30% discount on all events of the series Europamaschine (max. 4 tickets per member, excl. Culinaire L'Evrope and Debating Europe) when presenting their membership card at one of the ticket offices of the Federal Theatres as well as online with the action code "Filmmuseum".

Valid as long as tickets are available.

In cooperation with the Austrian Film Museum

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