
Szenefoto Medea: Steven Scharf (Lucas), Wenzel Witura (Edgar), Caroline Peters (Anna), Quentin Retzl (Georg), Christoph Luser (Christoph), Mavie Hörbiger (Clara)
© Reinhard Werner / Burgtheater

Medea – a king’s daughter, wife, betrayed woman, stranger. Medea – child murderer, witch. Each age shone a different light on the myth about the woman who permanently leaves her home for the love of Jason and follows him to Greece. Simon Stone sets MEDEA in the present day and combines the ancient tragedy about Euripides with a true story from the 1990s: Following her divorce, the US American medical doctor Deborah Green set fire to the family home, thereby killing two of her three children. Stone turns Medea into a pharmacist named Anna, who has just been discharged from a psychiatric facility. She now wants to revive her formerly loving marriage with her husband, Lucas. He, in turn, has already redirected his attention to his boss’s daughter. Anna wants to forgive the affair and make a fresh start with Lucas and the children, but he has other plans.

Beschreibung Information
Duration 90 minutes, no intermission
Trailer: Medea
© Markus Lubej
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