Der Leichenverbrenner

Michael Maertens, Sabine Haupt, im Hintergrund: Nikolaus Habjan
© Matthias Horn

Karel Kopfrkingl loves music and his workplace, the Prague Crematorium, where he takes care of the deceased as touchingly as he does of his family. In his breaks he reads the Regulations on Cremation and a book about Tibet and reincarnation. When his friend Reinke, a member of the Sudeten German Party, informs him about the methods used by the National Socialists to protect the Aryan race from its creeping infestation, Kopfrkingl’s world is thrown into turmoil. Kopfrkingl becomes increasingly troubled by the question of whether he is really doing enough to protect the community.

Austrian dramatist and novelist Franzobel has dramatized this psychological horror novel by Ladislav Fuks (1923–1994) for the delicate monster puppets of Nikolaus Habjan.

Beschreibung Information
© Johannes Hammel
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