Bibiana Beglau

Porträtfoto von Bibiana Beglau
© Christoph Liebentritt

Bibiana Beglau, born 1971 in Braunschweig, trained as an actor at the University of Music and Theatre in Hamburg. She has performed at the Schauspielhaus in Düsseldorf, the Schauspielhaus in Zurich, the Volksbühne and Schaubühne in Berlin, the Thalia Theater in Hamburg, and also played in König Ottokars Glück und Ende (King Ottokar's Fortune and End) at the Burgtheater in Vienna. In 2011 she joined the ensemble at the Residenztheater in Munich. Besides her stage work, Beglau has appeared in a number of film and television productions. She has received several awards for her work, including the Grimme Prize, the Silver Bear of the Berlinale, was named Actress of the Year by Theater heute in 2014, and received the FAUST Theatre Award in 2015 for her role as Mephistopheles in Martin Kušej’s production of Faust. Bibiana Beglau joined the Burgtheater ensemble in the 2019/20 season.

Bisherige Rollen

Saison 2022/2023
Doktor von Aigner
Das weite Land
Arthur Schnitzler
Anna Meinhold-Aigner, Schauspielerin
Das weite Land
Arthur Schnitzler
Saison 2021/2022
ohne Rollenbezeichnung
Der Untergang des Hauses Usher
Edgar Allan Poe
Elisabeth, Königin von England
Maria Stuart
Friedrich Schiller
Saison 2019/2020
Die Hermannsschlacht
Heinrich von Kleist
Johann Wolfgang Goethe
Wer hat Angst vor Virginia Woolf?
Edward Albee
Saison 2005/2006
Kunigunde von Massovien
König Ottokars Glück und Ende
Franz Grillparzer
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