Advance sales

Whether on site at the box office, on the Internet or with the ticket app - there are many ways to get your ticket. We have listed the official sales outlets of the Burgtheater for you.




  • Online Ticket

    Check your ticket online!

  • Box offices

    Come over!

    • Burgtheater

    • Volksoper

    • Box offices of the Austrian Federal Theatres (Bundestheater)


  • By Telephone

    +43 (0)1 5131513

    Mo-Su: 10am—7pm

    • by credit card

    • by direct debit mandate (BundestheaterCard)

  • Written order

    Please contact our ticket office (Bestellbüro):

    • Ordering from outside Vienna (Austrian federal states and abroad)

    • group bookings

    • wheelchair spaces and companions

    • handicapped persons

  • Flex Subscriptions

    Flex subscribers have a pre-sale option staggered according to price groups.
    The pre-sale starts on the 15th of the month:

    • Price category 1 at 8 a.m.

    • Price category 2 at 11 a.m.

    • Price category 3 at 2 p.m.

    Check your tickets:

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FAQ Advanced Sales

Frequently asked questions about advanced sales.
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Neuer Webshop seit 2022/23

Das Burgtheater hat seit der Saison 2022/23 einen neuen Webshop für Ihren Online-Kartenkauf, Wahlabo-Einlösung und Abo-Termintausch.
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